Sunday, September 17, 2006


Today we took a trip to a place called the Fragrant Hills (香山公园). It is kind of like a park, but it has some old temples..or rather the foundations of some old temples…most of the temples were apparently burned by the French and English during an invasion. Parks in Beijing tend to be a little different than parks in the US, but they are very similar to parks in India. The parks are unbelievably crowed. Walking toward the entrance to the park we were part of a long river of people flowing through the gate. All the paths in the park were full of people walking, sitting, eating, talking, sleeping, or standing. It was intense, but beautiful. The guide book says fall is the time to go because all the leaves turn red, but it also says the parked gets mobbed with people in the fall and not to go. I cannot imagine the park being mobbed if that wasn’t what I say today. Either way, we had a good time and I got some good bug pictures. As well as me on a mythological beast turtle thing. I get on the train at 430pm today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so you didn't see any hills but was it 'fragrant' in some way? Are you noticing there are a lot of people everywhere you go as in India?

I like the caged bug pic; good shot.
Can't wait to hear about the train ride.

PS good looking tennies

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Jason...looks like you are having a good good time. Hmmm..... PO is sad "sin tu" that is w/o you...among other wonderful former wig mainers etc.

Um. right now things are at a lull 'cept that abroad apps are due tomorrow. Hope I get in!

Hope they aren't herding you around too much, nonetheless I know you will find a way to be un aventurero (an's a cognate!)

1:13 PM  

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