Saturday, September 16, 2006


So I am about to embark on an epic journey that will take me to the end of the earth…or just the other side of china..something like 4000+km(四千公里多)to a place called Kashgar or Kashi.Near the border of Kashmir region, Afghanistan, Tajikistan,Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia.Iwill be back in 3 weeks…October 6 差不多。I may or may not have net access off in the in the wilds of China. We will spend most of our time crossing this big desert.Gobi.  Apparently there is lots of sand and very few people.  This is also the fruit that means I will be gorging and will be very happy.
There has been a bit of staring here. Today I was riding my bike to the store and some guy passed me..but after passing kept turning around and staring at me for prolonged tracks of time..this seriously affect his ability to keep the bike on a straight course as well his ability to avoid obstacles.Alas, he did not crash.
Last night I had an interesting conversation with my host mom. She started talking about the hair on my arms again. Last time it was about how because I have hairy arms, I am not cold. This time it was about how the hair on my arms is similar to a TV character, gold in color.
Then she got her dictionary and looked up a word for me, evolution. She then proceeded to explain how the Chinese were the most evolutionary advanced and how people, like me, were less evolved because we still have hair like monkeys.
Today I went on a bike ride to a market I had heard about a few days ago.Turned out to not be bad place, not at all like the famous silk market where I was harassed and grabbed repeatedly by salespeople. At the silk market nearly all of the shop keepers yelled out things like “I have special price for you” and “Good friend come look at my shop.” At this market,
天意市场, no one spoke English and there were only other Chinese people, big plus. I bought a backpack, not too big, actually rather small…but now that I have packed it seems to big.Either way it is was a great buy. Don’t know if anyone knows of O7LEY, but they make great products and this one is EXTREME, in fact every bag at the stand was EXTREME but they were different The North Face, something in Chinese with The North Face logo, Jack Wolfskin, Lowe Alpine, and an assortment of Chinese brands. Some people left for their epic journey this evening and I saw them wheeling out huge bags, poor saps. My bag is really just a book bag….but it does say it is is wrong but I have nothing against O7LEY.Here is another view of my room


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Western China, and could relate all to well with your article. I loved the part about the monkey king!

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello golden monkey; very funny stuff. I'll be interested in a demo of the 'staring' when you return!

The silk imagination is working already. I'm going to the library to pick up some books to follow your path via my armchair ;)

Enjoy the epic journey.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

I always knew you were less evolved.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the 'silk road' was...and is probably still...a long and torturous journey. Don't get lost in the Gobi....and I do hope they are right about the fresh fruit!

We do so enjoy your humorous missives. We check your site daily just in case.

Love 'ya

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i get stared at or ignored here in brasil... it's a mixed bag.

- janelle

5:10 AM  

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