Saturday, September 02, 2006

Move in day

On friday we went to the Big Bell Temple...which is actually not a temple, but it does have a big bell. It used to be a buddist and Taoist temple, but has since been taken over by the government and converted into a bell museum. There were lots of bells and lots of bell info. There were plaques all over the place telling about some bell or another. There were also plenty of replica bells and a few pictures of bells.

Here is a picture of some chicken I ate.

This picture comes after I ate the little floppy thing on the chicken head as well as its eyeball.

I moved in with my family today. Say goodbye to curvaceous curls man, although i do have a few more weird stories about involves him climbing in someone else's window at 4am.
My host mother is a Chinese teacher at the university. She teaches Chinese as a foreign language primarily to Korean and Japanese students. My host father is a manager at some type of energy consulting firm that tries to cut energy use, i think. He definitely works with electricity, water, and natural gas and using less of all of them. My family lives on campus in a small apartment on the 5th floor. This is odd because in my homestay interview the only thing i requested was that my family did not live on campus.
My parents are both 55 and very nice. Communication for the past 7 hours was a bit difficult. Lots of spoken words and constructions that I dont know yet. They dont speak english, so i have been trying to communicate by saying things like "how do you say..the water of cow" which is milk. They got a good laugh out of water of cow..and have repeated it several times since to laugh again.


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