Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mushrooms and Dassies

Lesotho 360

Mushroom hunting!

We have found an abundance of mushrooms. I think we could harvest enough to eat mushroom every night. So far the only cooking of mushrooms has been the mushroom pasta, mushroom quiche, and mushroom rice.


They are caught. They are caged. It is a little sad to see animals in cages. They need names. There are already some names floating around but nothing is certain. It is up to you to give them their proper titles for their life in captivity, about 2 months. Previously purposed names are Cletus, Fransisco, Mongo, and Didymus. There are six animals, that means six wonderful opportunities.

Dassie going into cage.

The quarry.

As for the last competition…lets just say it was the personal result of caving without a flashlight. Or rather turning off your flashlight while caving, scaring some friends and bumping into some rocks in the process.


Blogger Nathan said...

Name one Yiyi

12:07 AM  
Blogger Derek said...

those dassies look arrogant.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

Her Majesty
I, Claudius
and I liked Francesco

11:12 AM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

Also, please explain further the last contest, and what that is a picture of.

1:21 PM  

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