Monday, March 12, 2007

fishies, fried fish and rats

The coast near kalk bay

Fridays make to be busy days. The last two Fridays have been the same up until about 10pm. Start with waking up around around 8, water the garden, then grab some apple bread, or biscuts for breakfast and make the hike up the hill while eating on the way. Get to campus around 845 and either go find a lab and read articles on dassies or goto the library and read the ecology textbook. First class at 11, ecology, lame, done by 12. Eat some bread. Goto second class, Environmental Analysis, boring, done at 1. Eat the rest of my bread and carrot lunch. Make my way to the zoology building and get to work making some cages. Finish up around four. Walk back to the house, arrive about 420, grab a snack and pack dinner, change clothes. Hike back up to campus for 5pm ultimate Frisbee. Play till 7, then walk to the wine society for wine tasting. Finish up there and walk home between 9-10pm.

Denise, the yet to be seen housemate.

I don’t know what I did last last Friday night. But I do know I was up till about 4am, took a nap and got up at 6am to go wake, say happy birthday, and cook breakfast for a friend. After breakfast, we went to go explore some tide pools. There were lots of fun little creatures and a big crab that escaped the camera. After the tide pools we had some fried and grilled fish and some excellent mussel chowder.

Starfish, orange and red

This last Friday, I went to bed at about 11. and got up at 6am again. This time there pancakes at my house, then wes and I went to climb devil’s peak and we did. Made it back to the house around 12 making it about a 5 hour journey. It was not very windy, but completely clear this time. We could see a solid blanket of clouds move in over the city off the atlantic. Then about 4pm some people came over to the house for a braai..or BBQ. That ended around 2pm and involved some grilling, some pool swimming, lots of conversation and fun. Sunday went to the beach, swam and had fried fish again.


I am still trapped in paper work limbo for the dassie project. I went to turn in the ethics proposal today and was told I had used the wrong form. Apparently the form on the website is wrong, but they haven’t changed it yet. So I got the right form and filled it out again, but now I need to wait for signatures again, and figure out how to get a permit that was not mentioned on the old form. Maybe this weekend, maybe next weekend, who knows. Once I do get little furry animals there will be a naming contest and associated adoption program..adopt-a-dassie.

Starfish of some sort on a Sea Urchent Skeleton
Today for ecology we looked at invertebrates in water...brings back memories of days spent swimming to playing in the canal behind the house.
I found out there is a snake farm nearby, kind of like a petting zoo. might try and get myself over there. more importantly the snake farm raises rats to feed to the snakes, plus they sell the rats for pets on the order of $1 per rat. next time we braai i might have to goto to the snake farm for meat first.

West Coast Klipfish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhh what a life

snake bbq, what kind of snakes?

love all the pics

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, what you can do with a camera...

1:05 PM  

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