1. what distinguishes man-beer from regular beer, other than mere size? is there a distinctive mannishness to it, perhaps an odor of Old Spice?
2. is there woman-sized beer and if so, how does this differ?
3. are those grasshoppers, ahem, doin' the diddly?
i would also like to compliment you again on the title of your blog. i have rarely seen such erudition on the world wide web. i commend you, sir, on your excellent taste.
nice pics, mammoth spider and never seen a red 'hopper' before.
several items of note:
1. what distinguishes man-beer from regular beer, other than mere size? is there a distinctive mannishness to it, perhaps an odor of Old Spice?
2. is there woman-sized beer and if so, how does this differ?
3. are those grasshoppers, ahem, doin' the diddly?
i would also like to compliment you again on the title of your blog. i have rarely seen such erudition on the world wide web. i commend you, sir, on your excellent taste.
nice hair.
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